(CLOSED) Accelerate Your Leadership – A leadership Programme for Women (CLOSED)


How do you hone your skills whilst dealing with the imperfect system many women find themselves working in?  We believe forwarned is forarmed and tooled up is sensible.

Our female leadership programmes start from where you are at. That may be in a system which is inclusive and appreciative of your unique style or it may be one where there are challenges to overcome. Whichever, our programme helps you hone your skills and gives you confidence and insights to maximise your leadership style and make the most of what you bring to the organisation.

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One feature of lockdown during the COVID crises has been the impact on women. Report after report talks about the challenges of working from home,  home schooling, cooking, cleaning and sourcing food and all observe a disproportionate amount of these challenges have fallen on women. Impacting on the progress women were making into leadership.

How do you hone your skills whilst dealing with the imperfect system many women find themselves working in?  We believe forwarned is forarmed and tooled up is sensible.

Our female leadership programmes start from where you are at. That may be in a system which is inclusive and appreciative of your unique style or it may be one where there are challenges to overcome. Whichever, our programme helps you hone your skills and gives you confidence and insights to maximise your leadership style and make the most of what you bring to the organisation.

Since 2018 we have been running online and virtual leadership programmes for women. These leadership programmes are available as bespoke inhouse sessions as well as our open programmes for individual women who want to focus on honing their leadership. Our programmes emphasise one to one coaching and applying your learning in the workplace.

They are based upon Head Heart + Brain’s extensive understanding of neuroscience, and other behavioural sciences as it relates to workplace interactions, motivation and development, and the personal challenges that women face at work.

The programme

The programme is designed specifically for women, to help you recognise your strengths, clarify your leadership purpose, increase your confidence and resilience, define your ambition and achieve it!

The programme incorporates a number of elements designed to provide insight, make change and extend your network.

Topics covered ( details of each module are in this PFD download ):

Month one: Introduction and How to Get the Most out of the Programme

A short introductory session to meet other participants, plus tips and tools for managing your learning on the programme. In addition, you will have the opportunity to complete an inclusive leader self-assessment and to discuss your goals for the programme with your coach.

Module 1: Your Unique Leadership Style

There is loads of data that shows women make better leaders than men, this is largely ignored by talent policy and promotion criteria. It’s still expected that the leaders of organisations will be men. You can make the most of your success by setting yourself up right.

Month 2: Module 2: Creating your Leadership Purpose and Audit Your Career

Being clear about your leadership purpose, what you stand for as a leader, is an attractor to talented team members and helps you manage career decisions.

It’s said women don’t push hard enough for promotion and don’t plan their career, they wait until they are asked to take a role or feel they have the perfect experience and qualifications. The reality doesn’t live up to this myth, but you do need to feel you are nearly there and sometimes that’s about getting the right perspective. In this module, we help you ‘audit’ your career to avoid career-traps, manage feedback and rekindle your ambition if you need to.

Month 3: Module 3: Confidence and Presence

One story about women is that they lack confidence as leaders. We are at our best when we believe in ourselves and understand our strengths; when we’re grappling with self-doubt it keeps us from doing our bravest and best work. This module enables you to re-set yourself to the level of self-belief you need to be successful, and to spend more time in that state of mind.

Month 4: Module 4: Get the Men on Board with Your Career – Networks, Mentors and Sponsors

Work can be tough and it’s important to have support. Networking isn’t something you do instead of work these days, it’s an essential element in success. Your network helps support you through the tough times, is a source of ideas, helps with problem solving and keeps you connected with diverse thinking. Maintaining your network when working virtually is a skill everyone needs to master.

Mentors and sponsors play an essential role in a successful career and women need to know how to position themselves to find and use them effectively.

Month 5: Module 5: Future Leader and Wrap Up

This final module is about pulling your learning together and getting you ready to continue your leadership growth outside of the programme. we cover the leadership habits which will keep you on track. How you plan your career, maximise your supporters and maintain your self belief and confidence.

Wrap Up

This shorter session wraps up the programme and set you of on the next state of leadership growth. It’s also an opportunity to take stock and contract with other participants for on-going support.

The Format

Each module has videos covering the scientific research (in an accessible form), practical tools, examples and advice from role models, a self-assessment or quiz and a summary ebook. Each module takes around 1 hour to complete the core materials and includes a further 3-hour virtual session. Plus, one hour one to one with your coach. We provide optional materials if you wish to delve deeper on a particular topic.

Who will Benefit?

The programme is designed for women in business roles who want to maximise their success and accelerate their leadership.  Senior women have found the programme beneficial especially when they want to move into a new challenging role. Women in middle management have also found the programme invaluable in clarifying career ambitions, leadership purpose and style and boosting confidence and resilience.

Here is some feedback we have had on the programme:

From the mentor of a senior women in the public sector “….after completing the ‘women in leadership’ module, she had a ‘ready brek glow’! She said working her way through it, she’d kept saying to herself ‘that’s me’ and found it so good, she’d done the module twice. She said that module was life changing as far as she is concerned; it had made her determined to apply for promotion and sell herself well. She hadn’t realised how much she put others first and critiqued herself until she did the module.”

From the line manager of a mid-level participant “….is practicing being assertive, which is fun to watch. She’s also finding the programme life changing and gives me enthusiastic updates when she’s completed a module.”

From a senior marketing executive in pharmaceuticals USA.

“What I enjoyed:

  • Content is interesting
  • The set-up of individual modules, very clear structure and easy to follow
  • The animation 

I didn’t find anything I didn’t like yet.  I personally like the high-power posture section and the habit (name the cue, routine, reward to change behaviour).  And I will apply them in my daily work”


The programme starts in September 2021 to February 2022 ( Dates are in the flyer )

Your Investment

Women are generally poor at investing in themselves, family comes first, work second, you third. This programme will ultimately help you to invest in the people and priorities in your life. If you can’t think of it as an investment in yourself, then think of it as an investment in your family and the benefits at work. At the end of the programme, you will be better for the experience.

This five – month programme has been designed to ensure you make real change. The programme investment is £3650 plus VAT for this you get five virtual sessions, five sets of on online materials and six one to one coaching sessions so you can really apply the insights.

Early Bird Offer

We offer an early bird rate of £2560 plus VAT for people who register and pay before 1st August 2021. You will also get free access to one of two online modules.  The mother bias, managing family and work or Building high performing teams. PLUS, a copy of our book Brain-savvy Woman.

Ask us about our discounts for women’s groups and charities and organisations who have more than 6 women going through the programme together. janhills@hhab.co.uk